Mountain View Cemetery
934 Sweetwater Road
Dillon, MT 59725
Logun Norris - Cemetery Sexton
(406) 660-4246
Marty Gasper - Cemetery Liaison
(406) 683-4245
Mountain View Cemetery was established by a private corporation in the year 1888. The Mountain View Cemetery Corporation acquired property and administered the cemetery until November 6, 1920, at which time the property was conveyed to the City of Dillon, who assumed duties or care and maintenance and acquired additional property for the cemetery. The cemetery is composed of 39.98 acres of land, located off of Sweetwater Road overlooking the City of Dillon.
The gates to the cemetery are open sunup to sundown. Summer hours begin on the date of the start of daylight savings time in the spring, and Winter hours begin on the date of the end of daylight savings time. Mountain View Cemetery conducts burial services between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The time for burial services must be arranged to allow the grave to be properly filled and all surplus ground removed before 4:30 p.m. of the same day. Funeral homes or person(s) making burial arrangements may be charged overtime fees on weekends and minor holidays. No burials will take place on Sundays or major holidays.
Lot Fees:
Full Sized Space - $350 Cremation Row - $175
Columbarium Niche- $1120 Memorial Wall Plaque - $125
Filing Fee - $8
Opening and Closing Fees:
Full Burial - $350 Urns/Cremains - $175
Oversized Urns (16” x 16” or larger) - $350 Overtime - $250
The following schedules and rules are strictly enforced:
1. Year Round:
a. Cemetery grounds are cleaned on a regular basis.
b. Items not allowed may be disposed of by Cemetery staff.
c. Items and flowers that interfere with opening and closing preparations may be disposed of by Cemetery staff.
d. Items and flowers that become faded or unsightly may be disposed of by Cemetery staff.
e. Items and flowers lying directly on or pushed onto Cemetery ground may be disposed of by Cemetery staff.
f. Flowers and decorations are allowed in vases as follows:
i. Open Sections. Permanently affixed onto hearths or in a foundation with a five inch
(5”) concrete or granite wash.
ii. Permanent flower holders, including shepherds hooks, are allowed on the side of the
stones and must be set with a concrete or granite wash at least five inches (5”) in width
around sides and flush to the ground to permit mowing. Decoration of flush stones
is not allowed unless the flush stone is at the head of the grave.
*Exception: Cremation Row-- Decorations only allowed during Memorial Day Weekend.
2. Not Permitted: Following is a partial list of items not permitted on Cemetery grounds: glass, ceramic, rocks, pottery, trinkets, knick-knacks, and statues. Additional exclusions may be incorporated within the internal rules and policies of the Mountain View Cemetery.
3. Memorial Day Holiday: Allowable floral or decorative items may be placed on Cemetery grounds five (5) days prior to Memorial Day through Sunday following Memorial Day.
4. Summer: Items on Cemetery grounds must be completely removed beginning the Monday following Memorial Day through Labor Day except for flowers and decorations on shepherd’s hooks, and vases.
5. Fall: Items remaining on Cemetery grounds must be completely removed beginning October 1st through one (1) day prior to Thanksgiving.
6. Winter: Allowable floral or decorative items may be placed on Cemetery grounds beginning Thanksgiving Day through May 1st.
7. Spring: Beginning May 1st through six (6) days prior to Memorial Day, items on Cemetery grounds must be completely removed except those on shepherd’s hooks and decorations in approved vases.
The Cemetery Director or designated City representative must direct the setting of monuments, markers or permanent flower holders. Call City Hall, 683-4245 to notify the Cemetery Director or designated City representative when placement is to take place. If monuments, markers, or permanent flower holders are placed without permission of the Cemetery Director or designated City representative or are placed improperly, the Cemetery Director or designated City representative may notify the responsible party and may assist in bringing the placement into compliance with cemetery regulations.
Monument & Decoration Regulations
One above ground stone at the head of the grave is permitted. (Lot size 5’ X 10’) All other markers including all markers in the cremation row (Lot size 5’ X 5’) must be installed flush to the ground.
All new monuments, markers or permanent flower holders, including shepherds hooks, must be set with a concrete wash at least five (5) inches in width around all sides and flush to the ground to permit mowing.
Permanent flower holders, shepherds hooks and ornamental stakes must be constructed and placed in such a manner that facilitates mowing without danger to the mower operator. The Cemetery Director or designated City representative may assist with placement.
• Decoration of flush stones is not permitted unless the flush stone is at the head of the grave.
• Decorations are not permitted in the Cremation Row
• Planting of flowers, shrubs and trees, is not permitted.
• Flowers, shrubs, or trees planted prior to adoption of these regulations may remain in their current location.
• Glass containers and trinkets are not allowed in the cemetery.