City Attorney’s Office
Mailing: 125 N Idaho Street, Dillon, MT 59725
Physical: 31 East Center Street, Second Level
Phone: (406) 988-0067
Deb Pierce, Paralegal
Once a citation has been issued, the defendant will appear in front of the judge to plead guilty/not guilty.
Beaverhead County Victim/Witness Advocate 2 South Pacific Street, Dillon, MT 59725 (406) 683-3730 email
What the City Attorney Does.
The City Attorney and staff are responsible for:
Preparing and reviewing ordinances, resolutions, and contracts
Preparing requests for legal opinions from the attorney general of the State of Montana
Prosecuting all misdemeanor criminal charges that occur within the Dillon City limits
Providing legal advice to City departments to assure compliance with state and federal law
Supervising all civil litigation for the City at the trial and appellate levels
Obtaining Discovery
Requesting Written Discovery
After the defendant pleads not guilty to charges in Dillon City Court, discovery may be obtained prior to the Omnibus Hearing by contacting the City Attorney's Office. The defendant or his or her defense counsel may request a copy of the written discovery (e.g. investigative file, police reports, etc.) by calling (406) 988-0067, completing and returning the Pro Se Discovery Request Form, or providing a Notice of Appearance and Discovery Demand by defense counsel.
The City Attorney's Office will provide a copy of discovery within five (5) business days of the request pursuant to M.C.A. §§ 46-15-322 & 323.
To request discovery, please provide the following:
Your name
Case docket number
Date of your next court appearance
Description of the offense
Claiming Restitution
Restitution is the court-ordered payment of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by a victim for damages stemming from a traffic accident, property damage, and/or personal injury incidents. Such expenses can include medical and counseling expenses, car repairs, insurance deductibles, loss of income, expenses reasonably incurred in obtaining ordinary and necessary services that the victim would have performed if not injured, and expenses reasonably incurred in attending court proceedings related to the commission of the criminal offense.
To claim restitution, documentation for a claim must be timely submitted to our office. For example, if a claim has been or will be covered by medical insurance or vehicle insurance, documentation showing the amount of the deductible or co-payment is required. This information is listed on an insurance policy Declarations Page that your insurance agent can provide to you if you are unable to locate it. If your insurance company is seeking restitution, it will need to submit a separate claim to our office. In addition, a victim’s appearance and testimony under oath at a hearing may be necessary especially if the restitution is contested by the Defendant.
If the cost to repair the car exceeds the value, a fair retail value of the vehicle will be required and can be obtained by checking Kelly Blue Book or NADA. If there was additional property damage, an estimate or actual cost of repair should be included in your documentation.
Once all documentation is gathered and compiled, it should be emailed to Deb Pierce, Paralegal, as she handle these types of claims.
Please know the Dillon City Attorney’s Office does not represent individual citizens or businesses. As the prosecutor, our office will assist in making requests to the Court to order reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.
If restitution is ordered, Dillon City Court administers receipt of restitution payments. You should be aware you will most likely not recover a lump sum payment immediately. Typically, the Defendant will enter into a time payment agreement with the Court and make monthly payments to the Court. The Court will then disburse payments to victims. For questions, concerns, or to update your contact information, Dillon City Court can be contacted at (406) 683-6690.