Water & Sewer
Water Clerk
125 N. Idaho Street
Dillon, Montana 59725
(406) 683-4245
Jason Johnson
Nick Hager
Travis Lake
100 Lagoon Drive
Dillon, MT 59725
Establish New Service
Our friendly customer service staff will help you get signed up for utility service. Please contact us at 406-683-4245 to establish or disconnect service.
Payment Options
You can pay online, by phone or mail, or pay in person at City Hall at 125 N. Idaho Street. You can also safely drop it in the mail slot by our front doors if it is after hours or over the weekend.
Water Metered Service
Customers are billed according to a fixed rate based on meter size in addition to your water usage for the month. Sewer is then estimated off water usage during the months of November, December and January.
Water & Sewer Committee Agendas
Are there restrictions on when I can water my lawn?
No, Dillon currently does not have any watering restrictions. We do, however, suggest that our customers water their lawns during the cooler times of the day—6:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.—to get the best results from their water usage.
How do I open or close a utility account?
Moving In: Please contact our customer service representatives at (406)683-4245. We will need your name, telephone number, name of spouse or roommates, mailing address, and landlord information to establish service. You will also be required to pay a deposit ($50 for homeowners, $100 for renters) in the form of cash, check, money order or cashier’s check.
Moving Out: The person whose name appears on the utility account is responsible for notifying us of the move out date as well as a forwarding address. A final billing will be mailed after the account is closed. We are unable to make billing adjustments for late notification. All deposits are refunded to the account when you call to close your utility account.
Do I qualify for a low income discount on my utility bill and how much is the discount?
Assistance is available for our water customers who may need help paying this bill.
Eligibility: The water utility assistance program is offered through the City as a benefit for our residents. More information and an application can be received at City Hall, and does require proof of income verification of all residents living in the household.
Discount: Eligible utility customers will receive pay a $30.00 flat rate for their monthly water portion of their utility bill. The discount applies only to services provided during the current billing period and does not cover overdue balances from prior billing periods.
Bulk Water
We do sell bulk water, both potable and non-potable are available. The cost is a $10.00 base rate plus an additional $4.00 per 1,000 gallons.
Contact City Hall at 683-4245 to coordinate payment and supply.
After-hours and Weekend Emergencies
The City of Dillon has an after-hours number for emergencies. An on-call person can be reached at (406) 660-4245.