Dillon Volunteer Fire Department
“The Dillon Fire Department is committed to providing the highest quality of public safety for our community, through response to all fires, hazardous materials incidents, and rescues on land and water; to save lives, property, and the environment.”
405 North Idaho Street
Dillon, Montana 59725
Emergency: Dial 911
Phone: (406) 683-5051
Cell: (406) 925-2953
Email: dillonfire1830@gmail.com
BJ Klose, Fire Chief
Wade Hucke, Assistant Fire Chief
The DVFD was established in the 1904 and has been providing fire protection to the resident’s of Dillon ever since. Currently there are 32 volunteer firefighters on the roster, and they respond to calls both within the city limits as well as throughout Beaverhead Fire District #2.
The DVFD provides manpower, fire suppression, rescue and other services to both the City and the District. The Fire Hall is jointly-owned by the City of Dillon and Beaverhead Fire District #2. DVFD membership may consist of up to 35 volunteer firefighters, including six officers.
DVFD responds to an average of 170 calls per year. Of these calls, approximately 23% are motor vehicle collisions or rescues; 27% are calls that have been cancelled while in route; 26% are miscellaneous service calls, spills, or downed lines; and 24% are grass/wild land fires; and structure fires. The average duration of structure fire calls is four (4) hours. Grass and wild land fires average two (2) hours. All other calls average ninety (90) minutes.