2024 Chip & Seal Project - CLOSED
Bids for chip sealing 23 blocks of city streets in Dillon Montana will be received by the City of Dillon until 1:00 p.m. local time on May 17th, 2024, at which time the Bids will publicly read aloud.
Project Description:
1) Walnut Street from the intersection of SKIHI street to the intersection of Thomsen Avenue (approximately 3130 feet), Average width of 42 feet
2) Idaho Street from the intersection of Helena Street through the intersection of Orr Street (approximately 2220 feet), average width of 42 feet
3) Orr Street from Idaho Street through the intersection of Washington Street (approximately 270 feet), width of 40 feet
4) Washington Street from the intersection of Orr Street to the intersection of Glendale Street (approximately 1265 feet), average width of 42 feet
5) Reeder Street from the intersection of Idaho Street (approximately 120 feet) to the east, width of 40 feet
Bid should include mobilization, traffic control, chip seal (approximately 7005 feet) and one brooming. Also state if the bid includes covering and removing covering from survey monuments, water valves, and sewer manholes. Include the approximate length of time the street will need to be closed for the project to be completed. The city will be responsible for clearing the streets of vehicles, trailers, and ect.. Please contact Kristina Abbey at 406-683-4245 of via email at operations@dillonmt.org with questions.